Archive for July, 2010

Monthly catch up

Although I haven’t blogged in quite a while here, I have been busy creating, so this will be my monthly round up.

Our monthly meetings from the Creative Arts Group are blogged here.

Here is a picture of the felted berets Claudia and I made at the July meeting (more pics on the blog)

And I have finally finished my Wild Woman Brooch from our April meeting:

I have also been busy sewing.

Most of the materials for this tunic dress came from Joy’s Warehouse, a discount fabric shop in Geelong:

This close up shows the gorgeous buttons bought from the Button Lady at last years Geelong Fibre Forum:

I also made some comfy jeans but you will have to make do with the pattern as they are in the wash:

I am going to make more from this pattern. The pair I have made were from stretch black denim purchased from Tessuti and have white topstitching.

Last Monday we had a fantastic workshop at the Guild with Lisa Walton doing ‘Creative Bead Embroidery’. Lisa was a great tutor and it was my idea of heaven to spend a whole day stitching beads. Thanks for all the great techniques and your wonderful patience Lisa!!

This is my piece in progress. Firstly a top shot and then side on to show the wonderful three dimensional beading techniques:

Finally, some pieces from The Melbourne Craft and Quilt fair on the weekend where I spent all morning in The Felt Studio of Wendy Bailye creating a nuno felted scarf on paj silk and felted silk lily brooch:

And my purchases: a ball of sock wool (Claudia and I may fight over this pair of socks), some gorgeous beads and Swarovski crystals for a necklace, a reversible wrap around skirt pattern and a kit for beaded elves for Claudia to make and give her friends:

After dithering about and fluctuating between feeling guilty as a mother because it is on in the school holidays and REALLY wanting to do Mary Crehan’s workshop at the Geelong Fibre Arts I have finally made the decision and enrolled. I will have time to organise some places for Claudia to stay and son number 1 is now more independent having got his licence. I have also signed up for Glenys’ ‘Artist Notebook Project’ which will be a great way for me to focus on journaling my inspirations for future and present projects. Go to the link to sign up.



July 26, 2010 at 3:41 pm 6 comments


July 2010

Notebook Project